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Naturopathic Preventive Medicine

Updated on December 7, 2015

Naturopathy emphasizes supporting health rather than combating disease. It began in Germany and became popular throughout the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Great Britain as part of alternative and complementary medicine. Currently it also includes therapies (both ancient and modern) from other traditions.

Practitioners of naturopathy promote unprocessed foods, replenishing your energy with "good" rest, managing stress, regular exercise and taking dietary supplements.

The central belief of naturopathy is that nature has healing powers and living organisms have the power to maintain a state of health and balance (or return to it) thus healing themselves. Instead of using drugs or surgery, practitioners of naturopathy use non-invasive and natural treatments. They believe you can return to good health by returning to nature: water, air, sun, wholesome foods, exercise, and herbs.

You are designed to have enough energy for your day-to-day life. But when you fail to exercise, eat poorly or stay up later than you should, you get exhausted. Usually you grab a chocolate candy bar or caffeine drink that picks you up. It may get you going again, but by putting this in your body, you are ignoring what you body is trying to tell you.

Six principles of Naturopathy

  • First, do no harm.
  • Promote the healing power of nature.
  • Treat the whole person.
  • Prevention is the best cure.
  • Treat the cause.
  • The physician is a teacher.

Several states have laws regulating the practice of naturopathy. There are actually six accredited naturopathic medical schools which require a bachelor's degree and standard premedical courses in North America. Graduates receive a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.

Some medical doctors and nurses received additional training in Naturopathic Medicine. They use it together with conventional medicine.

Then there are traditional naturopaths which are often trained as apprentices, correspondence courses or self-training. They are not accredited or required to have a license.

Today it seems there is a greater acceptance to naturopathy due to the high cost of medical care, and many have lost faith in the mainstream medical system.

If you are considering Naturopathy, it is advised that you look for someone who has been adequately trained, certified and licensed.



Treatments that fall under the Naturopathic umbrella

Naturopathic Medicine is a wide branch of medicine which includes the following:

  • Acupuncture
  • Applied kinesiology
  • Botanical medicine
  • Brainwave entrainment
  • Chelation therapy
  • Colonic enemas
  • Color therapy
  • Cranial osteopathy
  • Hair analysis
  • Homeopathy
  • Iridology
  • Live blood analysis
  • Nutrition
  • Ozone therapy
  • Physical medicine (includes manipulative, sports medicine, exercise and hydrotherapy)
  • Psychological counseling
  • Public health and hygiene
  • Reflexology
  • Rolfing
  • Traditional Chinese medicine


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